I C legacy LLC is your window into a new creative reality. We take pride in helping our clients find the creative edge they desire, while developing cutting edge concepts. We help every client realize that as individuals “We Are Created to Create”. In our reality we guide clients on a journey to transform what they see in their project or creative vision into what I C as I experience their creativity. I C Legacy has multiple creative divisions. I C Creations, I C Designs and Concepts, I C Occasions
Iyeesha was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and still resides in New York. She attended Brooklyn Technical H. S., The University of New York at Buffalo and Stevens Institute of Technology where she obtained various degrees in Engineering and Project Management. Iyeesha’s passion to impact the youth of her community led her to establish IMEC Inc. (www.imecinc.org), a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing Independent, Motivated, Educated and Compassionate Youth. She serve as the Founder and Executive Director.
After many years as an Engineering Professional in the fields of Manufacturing and Telecommunications, Iyeesha stepped out on faith and decided to become an employer rather than be an employee. Iyeesha currently provides Educational Consulting Services and Business Solutions via Iyeesha Cook Collective LLC (www.iccollectivellc.com) and Publishing, Creative Concepts and Design Services via I C Legacy LLC (www.iclegacy.com).
Iyeesha has her hands full daily with her most important positions as wife to her better half and mommy to her beautiful children who are the inspiration of each of her literary works. She draws from her own life experiences to create stories that touch your heart and tackle subjects which are rarely discussed with children.
Books also sold at:
Barnes: Donut and Her Daddy